- 2022
Bolten, Matthias; Doganay, Onur Tanil; Gottschalk, Hanno; Klamroth, Kathrin
Tracing locally Pareto optimal points by numerical integration
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 59 (5) :3302-3328
2022- 2021
Schnepper, Teresa; Klamroth, Kathrin; Puerto, Justo; Stiglmayr, Michael
A Local Analysis to Determine All Optimal Solutions of p-k-max Location Problems on Networks
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 296 :217-234
Backhaus, J.; Bolten, M.; Doganay, O.T.; Ehrhardt, M.; Engel, B.; Frey, C.; Gottschalk, H.; Günther, M.; Hahn, C.; Jäschcke, J.; Jaksch, P.; Klamroth, K.; Liefke, A.; Luft, D.; Mäde, L.; Marciniak, V.; Reese, M.; Schultes, J.; Schulz, V.; Schmitz, S.; Steiner, J.; Stiglmayr, M.
GivEn - Shape Optimization for Gas Turbines in Volatile Energy Networks
In S. Goettlich, M. Herty and A. Milde, Editor, Mathematical MSO for Power Engineering and Management aus Mathematics in Industry
Herausgeber: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg
Schultes, Johanna; Stiglmayr, Michael; Klamroth, Kathrin; Hahn, Camilla
Hypervolume Scalarization for Shape Optimization to Improve Reliability and Cost of Ceramic Components
Optimization and Engineering, 22 (2) :1203-1231
Eichfelder, Gabriele; Klamroth, Kathrin; Niebling, Julia
Nonconvex constrained optimization by a filtering branch and bound
Journal of Global Optimization, 80 :31-61
Gaul, Daniela; Klamroth, Kathrin; Stiglmayr, Michael
Solving the Dynamic Dial-a-Ride Problem Using a Rolling-Horizon Event-Based Graph
In M. Müller-Hannemann and F. Perea, Editor, 21st Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2021) Band 96 aus Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs)
Seite 8:1-8:16
Herausgeber: Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
8:1-8:16- 2020
Doganay, Onur Tanil; Gottschalk, Hanno; Hahn, Camilla; Klamroth, Kathrin; Schultes, Johanna; Stiglmayr, Michael
Gradient based biobjective shape optimization to improve reliability and cost of ceramic components
Optimization and Engineering, 21 (4) :1359-1387
Klamroth, Kathrin; Lang, Bruno; Seyfried, Armin; Stiglmayr, Michael
Network Simulation for Pedestrian Flows with HyDEFS
Collective Dynamics, 5 :1-16
2020- 2019
Przybylski, Anthony; Klamroth, Kathrin; Lacour, Renaud
A simple and efficient dichotomic search algorithm for multi-objective mixed integer linear programs
Dokument Nummer: 1911.08937
Stiglmayr, Michael; Görtz, Simon; Klamroth, Kathrin
Assigning Students to Schools for an Internship
In Fortz B. and Labbé M., Editor, Operations Research Proceedings 2018, Seite 151-157
In Fortz B. and Labbé M., Editor
Herausgeber: Springer, Cham
Bock, Stefan; Klamroth, Kathrin
Combining Traveling Salesman and Traveling Repairman Problems: A multi-objective approach based on multiple scenarios
Computers and Operations Research, 112 :104766
Lang, Bruno; Müller, Dorothee; Arndt, Holger; Bartel, Andreas; Blankenagel, Karsten; Gottschalk, Hanno; Günther, Michael; Humbert, Ludger; Jacob, Birgit; Klamroth, Kathrin; Rüdiger, Barbara; Späth, Britta; Stiglmayr, Michael; Wyss, Christian
Die Stimmen der Fächer hören
In Michaela Heer and Ulrich Heinen, Editor, Die Stimmen der Fächer hören
Kapitel Fachlichkeitsaspekte im Mathematik- und Informatikstudium, Seite 413--428
Herausgeber: Schoeningh Ferdinand GmbH
Oktober 2019
Schnepper, Teresa; Klamroth, Kathrin; Stiglmayr, Michael; Puerto, Justo
Exact Algorithms for Handling Outliers in Center Location Problems on Networks Using k-max Functions
European Journal of Operational Research, 273 (2) :441-451
ISSN: 0377-221776.
Hartikainen, Markus; Miettinen, Kaisa; Klamroth, Kathrin
Interactive nonconvex Pareto navigator for multiobjective optimization
European Journal of Operational Research, 275 (1) :238-251
Schulze, Britta; Stiglmayr, Michael; Klamroth, Kathrin
Multi-Objective Unconstrained Combinatorial Optimization: A Polynomial Bound on the Number of Extreme Supported Solutions
Journal of Global Optimization, 74 (3) :495–522
Eichfelder, Gabriele; Klamroth, Kathrin; Niebling, Julia
Using a {B}&{B} algorithm from multiobjective optimization to solve constrained optimization problems
AIP Conference Proceedings 2070
Herausgeber: AIP Publishing
2019- 2018
Gottschalk, Hanno; Saadi, Mohamed; Doganay, Onur Tanil; Klamroth, Kathrin; Schmitz, Sebastian
Adjoint method to calculate the shape gradients of failure probabilities for turbomachinery components
Conference Proceedings, ASME Turbo Expo
2018- 2017
Figueira, José Rui; Fonseca, Carlos M.; Halffmann, Pascal; Klamroth, Kathrin; Paquete, Luís; Ruzika, Stefan; Schulze, Britta; Stiglmayr, Michael; Willems, David
Easy to say they're hard, but hard to see they're easy - Toward a categorization of tractable multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 24 :82-98
Juli 201771.
Lacour, Renaud; Klamroth, Kathrin; Fonseca, Carlos M.
A box decomposition algorithm to compute the hypervolume indicator
Computers & Operations Research :347-360
ISSN: 0305-054870.
Klamroth, Kathrin; Köbis, Elisabeth; Schöbel, Anita; Tammer, Christiane
A unified approach to uncertain optimization
European Journal of Operational Research, 260 :403-420
Schulze, Britta; Paquete, Luís; Klamroth, Kathrin; Figueira, José
Bi-dimensional knapsack problems with one soft constraint
Computers & Operations Research, 78 :15-26
Dächert, Kerstin; Klamroth, Kathrin; Lacour, Renaud; Vanderpooten, Daniel
Efficient computation of the search region in multi-objective optimization
European Journal of Operational Research, 260 (3) :841–855
Trautmann, Heike; Rudolph, Günter; Klamroth, Kathrin; Schütze, Oliver; Wiecek, Margaret M.; Jin, Yaochu; Grimme, Christian
Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization
Band 10173aus Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
EMO 2017
Münster, Germany
March 19-22, 2017
Herausgeber: Springer
Klamroth, Kathrin; Mostaghim, Sanaz; Naujoks, Boris; Poles, Silvia; Purshouse, Robin; Rudolph, Günter; Ruzika, Stefan; Sayin, Serpil; Wiecek, Margaret; Yao, Xin
Multiobjective optimization for interwoven systems
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 24 :71-81
Allmendinger, Richard; Ehrgott, Matthias; Gandibleux, Xavier; Geiger, Martin J.; Klamroth, Kathrin; Luque, Mariano
Navigation in multiobjective optimization methods
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 24 :57-70
zuletzt bearbeitet am: 18.05.2022