Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization: Beyond the Biobjective Case

Kickoff Meeting in Wuppertal, 2.2016

Meeting in Paris, 12.2016
Dr. Hassene Aissi (Paris Dauphine)
Prof. Dr. Cristina Bazgan (Paris Dauphine)
Marek Cornu (Paris Dauphine)
Dr. Lucie Galand (Paris Dauphine)
Sami Kaddani (Paris Dauphine)
Prof. Dr. Kathrin Klamroth (Wuppertal)
Dr. Renaud Lacour (NewtonVaureal, Paris)
Marco Milano (Wuppertal)
Prof. Anthony Przybylski (Wuppertal)
Britta Schulze (Wuppertal)
Dr. Michael Stiglmayr (Wuppertal)
Satya Tamby (Paris Dauphine)
Prof. Dr. Daniel Vanderpooten (Paris Dauphine)
Workshop, Meetings, Research Stays
- Kickoff-Workshop in Wuppertal, 22.–25.2.2016 (Programm)
- Research Stay in Paris, 7.–18.3.2016
- Research Stay in Paris, 20.5.2016
- Research Stay in Paris, 14.–15.9.2016
- Research Stay in Paris, 13.–14.12.2016
- EWG MCDA Workshop in Paris, 21.–23.09.2017
Conference Talks
- Kathrin Klamroth: Multiple Objective Counterparts: Trading-Off between Optimization Criteria and Constraints. SIGOPT Conference (Plenary Talk), Trier, Germany, 08.04.2016
- Britta Schulze: Unconstrained Binary Multiobjective Optimization: Weight Space Decomposition, Arrangements of Hyperplanes and Zonotopes. Recent Advances in Multi-Objective Optimization, Lancaster, 24.6.16
- Daniel Vanderpooten: Representation of the non-dominated set for multi-objective optimization problems using kernels. Groupe de Travail ATOM (Invited Talk) 27.6.16
- Kerstin Daechert: Efficient Computation of the Search Region in Multiobjective Optimization
EURO 2016, 3-6.07.2016 - Britta Schulze: Supported Efficient Solutions for Unconstrained Binary Multiobjective Optimization Problems, Arrangements of Hyperplanes and Zonotopes. OR 2016, Hamburg, 31.8.16
- Kathrin Klamroth: Efficient Bound Computations in Multiobjective Optimization, OR 2016, Hamburg, 01.09.2016
- Kathrin Klamroth: MUCO - Multiobjective Unconstrained Optimization. Weight Space Decomposition, Arrangements of Hyperplanes and Zonotopes. 21st Combinatorial Optimization Workshop, Aussois, 09.-13.01.2017
- Michael Stiglmayr: Easy to say they're Hard, but Hard to see they're Easy. Towards a Categorization of Tractable Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization Problems. 24th International Conference on MCDM, Ottawa, 10.-14.07.2017
- Britta Schulze: New Perspectives on Multi-Objective Knapsack Problems. 24th International Conference on MCDM, Ottawa, 10.-14.07.2017
- Kathrin Klamroth: Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization; Beyond the Biobjective Case. Keynote Presentation, 86th Meeeting of EWG on MCDA, Paris, 21.-23.09.2017
- Lisa Pahl: Multicriteria Shortest Path Problems. Master-thesis (in German), University of Wuppertal, January 2017
- Konstantin Kraus: Optimization over the Efficient Set of Multiobjective Linear Programs. Master-thesis (in German), University of Wuppertal, January 2017
- Britta Schulze: New Perspectives on Multi-Objective Knapsack Problems. Dissertation, University of Wuppertal, 2017. Published in Shaker Verlag, December 2017. Awardee of the MCDM Doctoral Dissertation Award 2017
- Julian Schlosshauer: Approximation of the Nadir Point from an ε-approximate Pareto Curve for Multi-Objective Optimization Problems. Master-thesis, University of Wuppertal, July 2017
- 2017
Schulze, Britta
New Perspectives on Multi-Objective Knapsack Problems
December 2017ISBN: 978-3-8440-5631-0
Figueira, José Rui; Fonseca, Carlos M.; Halffmann, Pascal; Klamroth, Kathrin; Paquete, Luís; Ruzika, Stefan; Schulze, Britta; Stiglmayr, Michael; Willems, David
Easy to say they're hard, but hard to see they're easy - Toward a categorization of tractable multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 24 :82-98
July 20172.
Lacour, Renaud; Klamroth, Kathrin; Fonseca, Carlos M.
A box decomposition algorithm to compute the hypervolume indicator
Computers & Operations Research :347-360
ISSN: 0305-05481.
Dächert, Kerstin; Klamroth, Kathrin; Lacour, Renaud; Vanderpooten, Daniel
Efficient computation of the search region in multi-objective optimization
European Journal of Operational Research, 260 (3) :841–855
Brittas Performance in a Science Slam at the Institute Francais Berlin (in German)
Last modified: 19.11.2024