Optimization Group

Research Stay in Portugal

28.10.2024|07:56 Uhr

As part of the DAAD-funded project OCO (Ordinal Combinatorial Optimization - Trading-Off With Non-Metric Costs), Kathrin Klamroth and Michael Stiglmayr spent a week researching at the universities of Coimbra and Lisbon.

Together with our colleagues Andreia Guerreiro (INESC-ID Lisbon), José Figueira (IST Lisbon), Carlos Fonseca and Luís Paquete (University of Coimbra), we are working and researching on so-called ordinal optimization problems. These are characterized by the fact that the quality of partial solutions cannot be modeled by real numbers, but only by ordered (ordinal) levels. Such problems occur in practice, for example, where solution elements are evaluated on a three-level rating scale (good, medium, bad). This gives rise to new and interesting mathematical questions.

Further information on the OCO project can be found on the project website.

Last modified: 28.06.2023