Optimization Group

Barmenia Mathematics Prize for Renée Lamsfuß

19.11.2024|11:16 Uhr

Foto: https://www.malte-reiter.de/

As part of the graduation ceremony, Renée Lamsfuß was awarded one of the Barmenia Mathematics Prizes for her excellent achievements in her Master's degree. Mr. Christian Ritz, CEO of Barmenia Krankenversicherung AG and board member of the newly founded BarmeniaGothaer, presented the award. In her Master's thesis “Ordinal Location Problems and Consistent Multiobjective Shortest Paths” (supervised by Julia Sudhoff Santos), Ms. Renée Lamsfuß dealt with various definitions for consistent paths and their calculation.

Further information on the graduation ceremony is available on https://fk4.uni-wuppertal.de/de/alumni/#c11801



Last modified: 28.06.2023